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I'm huggable, give me a hug and you'll see. Ultimate fan of Spongebob. & I'm awesome. Singakid, figure it out. Freakin' 13. Double o5th's is my happiness. ♥ (bloggingfacebookingtrumpetinghangingoutsocializingandmore) got all those down? ;)

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Thursday, December 11, 2008, 5:18 PM/

Hey guys! I don't know what to post already.. Hmm, I think I'll post on what happened today, during guzheng lessons.

Today, I don't know what happened to teacher, 陈老师, he keeps on saying we're lousy. The first and second row were like, playing so fast and the third row was like, playing so softly.. Cause today third row only have 5 people. Pathetic.

Oh yeah and before the guzheng lessons start, me, Heidi and Jasmine walked around the 6th floor. The stairs and yellow lines on them! We were like: Eh? Why have yellow lines de? Then I say: Maybe because want to seperate people who are coming up and people who are coming down.

Hmm, then went for guzheng lessons. After all those scoldings and practicing, teacher, 陈老师, was fed up. He said it himself.

Then, he let us go for our breaks. We ran down to 1st floor and played crocodile. I was sabo-ed! Oh man. Then I became the crocodile for like 3-4 times.

Then, someone talked bad about ME any KY. I heard my name that's why. Anyway, I'm not sensitive with it anymore. It's like a normal routine. Everytime go school will hear that someone talking bad about another person. She sticks to a girl, who is my friend. And is like inseperable with that girl. That girl wants to play with us but that someone said she should not play with us and should just talk with her at one corner.

Anyway, don't want to talk about her lers. So I think I'll jusut stop here to watch 萤火虫的梦.

Signing Off,